- Ubbiali A., Chiorri C., Hampton P., Donati D. (2012). Psychometric properties of the Italian adaptation of the Big Five Inventory (BFI). Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata. (In Press).
- Garbarino, S., Chiorri, C., Magnavita, N., Piattino, S., & Cuomo, G. (2012). Personality profiles of special force police officers. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. doi: 10.1007/s11896-011-9099-6.
- Chiorri, C., Melli, G., & Smurra, R. (2011). Second-order factor structure of the Vancouver Obsessive Compulsive Inventory (VOCI) in an Italian non-clinical sample. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 22, 1-17.
- Ubbiali A., Chiorri C., Donati D. (2011). The Italian version of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems Personality Disorders Scales (IIP-47): psychometric properties and clinical usefulness as a screening measure. Journal of Personality Disorders, 25:4,528-541).
- Bracco, F., Chiorri, C., & Ricco, S. (2010). Valutazione del carico di lavoro in contesti di simulazione del settore navale. Rivista Italiana di Ergonomia, 1, 68-92.
- Arata, A., Battini, V., Chiorri, C., & Masini, B. (2010). An exploratory survey of eating behaviour patterns in adolescent students. Eating and Weight Disorders, 15(4), e200-e207.
- Bracco, F., & Chiorri, C. (2009). People have the power: priority of socially relevant stimuli in a change detection task. Cognitive Processing, 10(1), 41-49.
- Chiorri, C. (2009). Proprietà psicometriche della versione italiana della Intuitive Eating Scale di Tylka (2006) in un campione non clinico. Salute & Società, 3, 154-177.
- Chiorri, C. Overcoming non-random assignment to treatment conditions in observational studies: An introduction to Propensity Score Analysis. Invited talk for the Advanced Quantitative Research Methods Special Interest Group (Quant SIG) Meetings. University of Oxford, 2011.
- Chiorri, C. (2011). The curious case of Big Five questionnaires confirmatory factor analyses: issues and solutions. Invited talk for the Advanced Quantitative Research Methods Special Interest Group (Quant SIG) Meetings. University of Oxford, 2011.
- Ubbiali A., Chiorri C., Hampton P., Garofalo A., Donati D. The usefulness of the Healthy Functioning Rating Scale SWAP-200 (HFRS-SWAP-200) to evaluate which psychological features can predict the course of the treatment in individual psychotherapy. Presented at: 42th International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR). Bern, 2011.
- Ubbiali A., Chiorri C., Donati D. The Italian version of the Big Five Inventory (BFI): psychometric properties and cross-cultural validity. Presented at: 42th International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR). Bern, 2011.
- Chiorri C., Ubbiali A., Donati D. Utilità clinica della versione italiana del Big Five Inventory. Presentato a: VIII Congresso Nazionale della Società per la Ricerca in Psicoterapia (SPR-It). Perugia, 2010.
- Chiorri, C., Melli, G., Smurra, R., & Olatunji, B. Italian adaptation of the disgust scale revised: A psychometric study. Presented at: 40th Congress of the European Assocation of Cognitive & Behavioral Therapies, Milan, 2010.
- Chiorri, C., Carrozza, A., Dani, L., Pesce, E., & Anfosso A. (2010). IMACO-23: A new screening tool for eating disorders. Presented at: 40th Congress of the European Assocation of Cognitive & Behavioral Therapies, Milan, 2010
- Chiorri, C., Civano, M.P., Alberti, G., De Pietri, S., & Airaldi, C. Adattamento italiano del Toronto Empathy Questionnaire. Presentato a: XVI Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, Sezione Psicologia Sperimentale, Bologna, 2010.
- Donati D., Ubbiali A., Chiorri C. Psychology and Medicine: an Italian proposal for joining forces between experts from different theoretical backgrounds aiming at integrating psychotherapy into an holistic approach to the patient’s need. Presented at: XXVI SEPI International Conference: One or many sciences for psychotherapy: what constitutes evidence? Firenze, 2010.
- Chiorri C., Ubbiali A., Brunetta M., Conti P., Donadoni G., Hampton P. & Donati D. Integrating forces between clinical judgment and standardised personality assessment for managing risk of early dropout in dynamic group psychotherapy. Presented at: XXVI SEPI International Conference: One or many sciences for psychotherapy: what constitutes evidence? Firenze, 2010.
- Chiorri C., Ubbiali A., Brunetta M., Conti P., Donadoni G., Hampton P. & Donati D. Which personality features can influence clinical jugdment when referring to group versus individual psychotherapy? a retrospective study. Presented at: XXVI SEPI International Conference: One or many sciences for psychotherapy: what constitutes evidence? Firenze, 2010.
- Ubbiali A., Chiorri C., Brunetta M., Conti P., Donadoni G., Hampton P. & Donati D. Joining patients’ and therapists’ perspectives to help clinicians in predicting the course of psychotherapy: the usefulness of a new brief and valid measure. Presented at: XXVI SEPI International Conference: One or many sciences for psychotherapy: what constitutes evidence? Firenze, 2010.
- Chiorri, C., & Bracco, F. Attendibilità e unidimensionalità della versione italiana della Safety Organizing Scale di Vogus e Sutcliffe (2007). Presentato a: Congresso Associazione Italiana Psicologia, Sezione Psicologia delle Organizzazioni, Firenze, 2009.
- Ubbiali A., Donati D., Chiorri C. Psychometric properties and clinical usefulness of the Italian version of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems - 47 (IIP-47). Presented at: 7th Europeean Conference of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Bolzano 2009.
- Ubbiali A., Donati D., Chiorri C. Assessing the 'Basic elements' of individual personality resources through the use of the Healthy Functioning Rating Scale SWAP-200 (HFRS-SWAP-200). Presented at: 7th Europeean Conference of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Bolzano 2009.
- Chiorri, C., Piccinno, T., Bottiglieri, L. & D’Anna, F. Validazione italiana di tre strumenti psicometrici per la valutazione di atteggiamenti e comportamenti alla guida. Presentato a: XV Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, Sezione Psicologia Sperimentale, Chieti, 2009.
- Chiorri, C., Carrozza, A., Pesce, E., Anfosso, A., & Dani, L. IMACO - Sviluppo di un test di screening per i disturbi del comportamento alimentare. Presentato a: XV Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, Sezione Psicologia Sperimentale, Chieti, 2009.
- Chiorri, C., Parma, D., Scarfì, C., & Gemignani, L. (2009). Correlati di personalità delle preferenze cinematografiche - Studio preliminare. Presentato a: XV Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, Sezione Psicologia Sperimentale, Chieti, 2009.
- Chiorri, C., Piattino, S., Primi, C., Chiesi, F., & Galli, S. (2009). Why Psychology Students don’t Like Statistics?. Presented at: The MathPsych Conference, Amsterdam, 2009.